Everything about Chemicals
Under the motto ” No data, no market ”, REACH Regulation no. 1907/2006 imposes on the manufacturers / distributors / users of chemicals a series of compliance requirements before entering the market with the chemical, the most important being the registration with ECHA (European Chemicals Agency).
BPR – European Regulation no. 528/2012 regarding the placing on the market and the use of biocidal products. I offer support for national approval of biocidal products for all groups: Group 1 – Disinfectants, Group 2 – Preservatives, Group 3 – Pest control products, Group 4 – Other biocidal products
CLP – European Regulation no. 1272/2008 regarding the classification, labeling and packaging of substances and mixtures. BPR – European Regulation no. 528/2012 regarding the placing on the market and the use of biocidal products.
The Safety Data Sheets provide chemical users with the information they need to support them in protecting human health and the environment. The safety data sheet will be in accordance with the Annex to Regulation (EU) no. 830/2015 – REACH, Guide for drawing up Safety Data Sheets for chemical substances and mixtures produced / marketed / used inside and outside the EU;
ISO 9001:2018
SO 9001 (ISO 9001: 2018) is now the standard with the widest spread and application in terms of ensuring the quality conditions of the goods and services that a supplier delivers to its customers.
Real solutions for real problems
The purpose we pursue is for everyone to comply with: the classification and labeling criteria, the fully and correctly identified uses, the security measures applicable to the use of the product, the information on health and safety at work, the information on the fire fighting measures, the product incompatibilities when handling / transport / storage, packaging criteria.
We will give you all the information you need, all you have to do is ask.
ADACHEM CONSULTING SRL organizes various courses and seminars, either online or at the location requested by the client
Why choose us
Specialist in chemical management, has been active in the field for over 15 years; Expert in activities regarding the monitoring of the conditions in which dangerous chemicals circulate on the market, qualified for the elaboration of safety data sheets, REACH dossiers, biocides, Qualified trainer.
What separates me from competitors is not just the scientific and regulatory knowledge and skills, but the way I work with my clients. The direct and collaborative approach allows me to build lasting relationships, allowing me to create a personalized and integrated service, tailored to the needs of each individual client.

We offer a wide range of consulting services on chemicals management!

Over 15 years of experience in the chemical management area recommends us when you seek the opinion of an expert.

What recommends us: professionalism, respect for our clients and experience in the chemicals area.
Let's get to know each other!
We offer you all the information you need, all you have to do is ask us!